7 Prominent Features of Cloud Computing

May 14, 2024

In today’s digital era, the term “cloud computing” has become one of the most prevalent technological trends, driving progress and transformation across various fields and industries. The current landscape of cloud computing highlights its increasingly vital role in fostering innovation and development within organizations and global communities. Today, let’s explore with TechLead the 7 most notable features of cloud computing and the benefits they bring to businesses!

What is Cloud Computing? Classifying Cloud Computing Technologies

1. What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a technology model that enables access to computing resources such as storage, networking, and server services via the Internet without the need to own or directly manage these resources. In this model, users can access and utilize computing resources on-demand, rather than having to purchase and maintain corresponding server infrastructure and hardware.

What Is Cloud Computing and How Does It Work?

What is cloud computing (Collected)

Cloud computing offers numerous advantages, such as flexible scalability, cost savings, easy management and maintenance, flexibility in application deployment, and access from anywhere. Additionally, it opens opportunities for the rapid and flexible deployment of new services and applications.

2. Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing encompasses various forms that cater to the specific needs and goals of different organizations and individuals. Below are the main types of cloud computing:

2.1. Public Cloud

This is the most common form of cloud computing, where users access services and resources provided by major providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Resources are shared among multiple organizations and users, helping businesses minimize costs and enhance flexibility.

2.2. Private Cloud

In contrast to the Public Cloud, private cloud computing provides services and resources managed and operated by a single organization or enterprise. This form is often used by organizations with high-security needs or stringent regulatory compliance requirements.

2.3. Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud combines both Public and Private Cloud models, allowing organizations to use both to optimize performance and security. Applications and data can move between different cloud environments based on specific needs and requirements.

2.4. Community Cloud

This is a specialized model shared among a group of organizations or users with common activities, such as organizations in the same industry or geographical area. It provides services and resources customized to meet the specific needs of that community.

Each type of cloud computing has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right form depends on factors such as security, performance, and the specific work requirements of the organization or individual.

7 Notable Features of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing offers a range of prominent features that help businesses and individual users access and utilize IT services more flexibly and effectively. Here are 7 notable features of cloud computing:

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7 Notable Features of Cloud Computing (Collected)

1. Cost Savings

One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing is cost savings. Instead of making large investments in server infrastructure and hardware, users only pay for the resources they actually use. The pay-as-you-go model allows users to adjust costs flexibly according to their needs and actual usage.

2. Flexibility

Cloud computing enables users to easily scale computing and storage resources according to their needs. Users can flexibly switch between service packages, adjust resources, and resize servers without major difficulties.

3. Accessibility

A key strength of cloud computing is the ability to access it from anywhere with an internet connection. Users can access cloud computing services from computers, mobile phones, or tablets easily and conveniently.

4. Reliability

Cloud service providers often offer highly reliable infrastructure, including backup and data redundancy measures. This ensures that the service is always available when needed and minimizes downtime.

5. Security

Security is one of the most important factors when using cloud computing services. Providers typically deploy robust security measures such as data encryption, access control, and continuous monitoring to protect user information.

6. Ease of Use

Cloud computing services are often designed to be user-friendly and convenient. User-friendly interfaces and simple resource management tools help users maximize the features without requiring deep technical knowledge.

7. Continuous Updates

The cloud service model allows for rapid and seamless software updates and upgrades. Users do not need to worry about installing or managing updates, as service providers automatically handle this to ensure system security and performance.

Who Should Use Cloud Computing Services?

Cloud computing services are not only suitable for large enterprises but also highly beneficial for small organizations, individuals, and consumers. Here are specific groups that should use cloud computing services:

1. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

SMEs often lack the resources to invest in complex IT infrastructure. Cloud computing provides them with a cost-effective approach to computing and storage resources, helping them optimize costs and focus on core business activities.

2. Startups

Startups typically need a flexible and scalable solution to quickly develop their products and services. Cloud computing provides them with the opportunity to experiment, scale, and adjust resources according to demand without making large infrastructure investments.

3. Large Enterprises

Large enterprises often use cloud computing services to scale up or optimize their existing infrastructure. Transitioning to the cloud model helps them save operational costs, increase flexibility, and minimize risks in data and IT infrastructure management.

4. Individuals and End Users

Individuals and end users can also leverage cloud computing services for personal data storage, document sharing, data backup, and using online applications and services.

5. Developers

For software developers, cloud computing provides a flexible and cost-effective development environment. They can use cloud computing services to deploy, test, and manage their applications easily and efficiently.

In summary, cloud computing services are a suitable choice for all audiences, from large enterprises to individuals and developers, thanks to their flexibility, cost savings, and ease of use.

Top 5 Reputable Cloud Computing Providers for Businesses in Vietnam

1. FPT Telecom

Dịch Vụ FptTelecom » Cung Cấp Viễn Thông uy tín nhất VN

FPT Telecom (Collected)

FPT Telecom is a leading telecommunications and information technology service provider in Vietnam, with a significant investment in cloud computing infrastructure and services. Their goal is to deliver advanced and reliable technological solutions to their customers.

FPT Telecom’s Cloud Services Include:

  • FPT Cloud:
    • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides virtual servers (VMs), storage, and networking resources on a cloud platform, allowing businesses to easily scale and manage their IT systems.
    • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Offers application development platforms, enabling developers to deploy and manage applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
    • Software as a Service (SaaS): Supplies software applications like email, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and other enterprise applications on a cloud platform.
  • FPT HI GIO Cloud: A cloud computing service in collaboration with NTT Communications (Japan), providing high reliability, strong security, and robust performance, meeting stringent international standards.

2. Microsoft Vietnam

Chính thức bổ nhiệm quyền Tổng Giám đốc Microsoft Việt Nam

Microsoft Vietnam (Collected)

Microsoft Vietnam is the local branch of Microsoft Corporation, one of the world’s leading technology companies. Microsoft offers a wide range of trusted and high-quality cloud computing services in Vietnam.

Microsoft Vietnam’s Cloud Services Include:

  • Microsoft Azure: Microsoft Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, providing a range of services from infrastructure (IaaS), platform (PaaS) to software (SaaS). Azure helps businesses deploy, manage, and develop applications flexibly and efficiently. Main services include:

Virtual Machines

Database (SQL Database)



Data Analysis (Analytics)

  • Office 365: Integrates office tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, enabling users to work from anywhere and improve business productivity and online collaboration.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365: A suite of cloud applications for managing business processes like finance, human resources, sales, and customer service, helping businesses optimize operations and make data-driven decisions.

3. Viettel IDC

Khám phá Trung tâm Dữ liệu lớn nhất của Viettel IDC mới khánh thành |  Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)

Viettel IDC (Collected) 

Viettel IDC, supported by the Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group, is a prominent cloud computing service provider in Vietnam. They have established a strong presence in the IT and telecommunications market.

Viettel IDC’s Cloud Services Include:

  • Cloud Server: Offers scalable, high-performance, and secure cloud servers.
  • Cloud Storage: Provides safe and efficient cloud storage for managing and retrieving data.
  • Cloud Backup: A solution for cloud data backup, protecting critical data from loss.
  • Disaster Recovery (DR): Ensures continuous system operation in case of failures.
  • Managed Services: Manages cloud infrastructure and applications, optimizing resources and focusing on core business activities.

4. VNPT Technology

VNPT Technology - YouTube

VNPT Technology (Collected)

VNPT Technology is a leading company in IT and telecommunications in Vietnam, focusing on IoT, AI, and cloud computing services.

VNPT Technology’s Cloud Services Include:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Supplies server infrastructure, storage, and networking on a cloud platform, reducing initial investment costs and providing scalable infrastructure.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Provides a platform for developing, running, and managing applications without handling the underlying hardware and software infrastructure.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers software applications through a subscription model, allowing users to access and use software over the internet without installation.
  • Data Management and Storage Solutions: Offers secure, efficient data storage and management solutions accessible from anywhere.
  • Cloud Security Services: Provides advanced security solutions to ensure the safety of customer data and applications on the cloud platform.

5. TechLead

TechLead is a leading provider of cloud computing services, known for delivering advanced and reliable technological solutions to customers globally.

Highlights of TechLead’s Cloud Services:

  • Modern Technology: Utilizes cutting-edge cloud computing technologies, ensuring robust and secure network infrastructure. Services include virtual servers (VPS), cloud storage, cloud databases, and DevOps solutions, helping businesses optimize operations and reduce costs.
  • High Reliability: Prioritizes service availability and reliability, guaranteeing an uptime of up to 99.99%, ensuring stable and continuous system operation.
  • Optimal Security: Invests heavily in security measures, including data encryption and network attack prevention. Offers specialized security services such as firewalls, identity and access management (IAM), and backup and recovery solutions.
  • Excellent Customer Service: Renowned for professional and dedicated customer support, with technicians available 24/7 to resolve technical issues.
  • Custom Solutions: Provides tailored cloud solutions to meet the specific needs of each business, from flexible service packages to integration with existing enterprise systems.
  • Diverse Features: Offers a range of services including web hosting, big data management, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, enabling businesses to not only store but also effectively utilize data.

With these outstanding features and a commitment to continuous improvement, TechLead has established a solid reputation in the cloud computing market, becoming a trusted partner for many businesses worldwide.


In addition to the seven notable features mentioned above, cloud computing also offers other benefits for businesses, such as fostering innovation, enhancing competitiveness, and improving customer experiences.

Cloud computing is becoming an increasingly popular trend among businesses of all sizes. If you are considering using cloud computing for your business, take the time to learn about the various benefits and features of different cloud services to choose the solution that best meets your needs.

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